This project is a group research and analysis project for the development of a site in Levittown, NY. The premise for the redevelopment is that the aging community requires a 'hub' that can provide many services that they urgently need. Firstly, the proposed redevelopment will supply the local residents with an urgent care center, a growing type of medical facility that has been created to reduce the stress on emergency departments in hospitals. Secondly, the site will house an adult daycare center for seniors with cognitive impairments. With an increasingly aging population, many seniors live in the care of family members which can place a lot of stress in these caregivers. Instead of juggling work and other obligations with caring for an elder, they can drop them off at the daycare center with the peace of mind that they will be properly looked after. The final aspect of the site redevelopment is the addition of 12 micro-apartments for seniors who can no longer maintain a full sized house, but who are physically able to live without supervision.
This project explores the idea of creating an architectural program rather than being presented with a brief by a professor. Project 2 is the design and modeling part of the overall redevelopment.